This website is proudly designed, built, secured, and hosted by Watts Nuclear and Scientific Services.

Why You Should Use Us.

We offer a personal service to our clients with a quality product. Watts Nuclear and Scientific Services gives you the attention and personal service that you want. The rates are competitive with no hidden fees or surprises. We offer many flat-rate services.

Our mission is to produce a quality product with tangible results at a fair cost and to develop new tools and technologies that will enable end users to understand, validate, visualize, store, and manage their information. As well as, produce clean scientific services, analysis tools, environmental tools, radiological engineering tools, and other products based on the client’s needs and expectations.

Training Services

WNSS offers Radiological Engineering and Non-Destructive Assay training services. Some training areas of focus are gamma spectroscopy applications, radiological waste characterization, and radiation safety. Training can be conducted at your facility or site as well as remote learning. We also develop web-based and interactive training modules.

Scientific Software and AI Applications

Our intelligent applications are natively designed to harness It is our tool of choice for AI coding and has an Auto (ML) Machine Learning feature that evaluates many different ML options and models. It will automatically build and fit the best and most optimal models with hyperparameters to your situation. WNSS has a user-friendly GUI developed that will allow the control of high-performance deep neural networks. Intelligent mobile web applications are hosted on our private high-performance server puts heavy-duty AI computing power on your tablet or smartphone. bolt_fill Find out more.

Intelligent mobile web applications are hosted on our private high-performance server puts heavy-duty AI computing power on your tablet or smartphone. Intelligent server-based mobile applications are built using Framework7. bolt_fill Find out more.
We don't just build web pages, WNSS builds intelligent web applications. We connect web pages with AI and modern machine learning algorithms to build sophisticated intelligent web applications that provide the end user with insights, projections, and forecasts. Intelligent web applications are made using the latest Bootstrap technology. bolt_fill Find out more.

WNSS can make publisher-quality graphs and plots. Also, in our web frameworks, we can integrate interactive graphics into our intelligent applications. At the core of our interactive graphics is ApexCharts. bolt_fill Find out more.

Cyber Security

We take cyber security very seriously. We can set up and maintain enterprise-level firewalls for offices, businesses, and homes and can build custom security appliances for special applications. Our servers and software applications utilize a barrage of security applications. Some of the security features we use for our applications are:

  • Developed applications use (WAF) web application firewalls.
  • Network and server firewalls.
  • Various port and network monitoring tools.
  • Applications can require a token to be accessed.
  • Secured servers that use globally recognized standards and security certifications.
  • Applications use two layer authentication.
  • Data can be directly encrypted as it is received.
  • (TOTP) Time based one-time password technology can be built into our developed applications

Watts Nuclear and Scientific Services subjects its server to routine security tests by independent organizations and also its collection of internal tests. We work to ensure that acceptable national and globally recognized security standards are met when necessary and possible. Our servers provide SSL security, cipher, and encryption measures that meet the requirements of the following.

  • NIST SP 800 - 53
  • PCI - dss

Radiological Engineering Services

Watts Nuclear and Scientific Services can perform various radiological engineering services and specialized assay of environmental data from landfills or the decommissioning of processing facilities that have manufactured or processed radioactive materials.

  • Advance gamma spectroscopy in-situ modeling and analysis.
  • Radiological engineering services.
  • Environmental soil sample radio-assay.
  • Mobile laboratory environmental radio-assay data management.
  • Technical environmental laboratory oversight and consulting.
  • Gamma spectroscopy multi-efficiency modeling and model sensitivity analysis.
  • Uncertainty analysis for radiation detection instrumentation.
  • Uranium and plutonium enrichment measurements.
  • Large item characterization, including large waste boxes and IMC containers.
  • Special application systems for waste characterization.
  • On-site and off-site NDA and environmental laboratory training.
  • On-site environmental radio-assay and characterization.
  • Gamma spectroscopy system calibration and testing.
  • Remote and on-site lab operations.
  • Health Physics and Non-Destructive Assay technician support.
One of the things that COVID taught us, was how to effectively and efficiently work remotely. Several tools have come from COVID that allow to operate and manage radio-assay lab equipment at a distance. Having the ability to operate and manage lab instrumentation at a distance is a great way to exercise ALARA, reduce travel costs, reduce staffing costs, and reduce exposure to industrial hazards in the field. It is a better way to work if implemented correctly.

Analysis and Scientific Services

Here are a few of our services related to the analysis of information and data.

  • Time Series Analysis with ARIMA Modeling and Forecasting
  • Modeling, and Simulation
  • Publisher Quality Graphs and Reports
  • Advance Statistical Analysis
  • Quantitative Trading Algorithms
  • Financial Modeling
  • Signal Processing and Noise Analysis
  • Pattern Recognition Algorithms
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Six Sigma Calculations
  • Lab Data Validation and Report Review
  • Batch Data Processing Algorithms
  • Custom Lab Reports
  • Lab Analysis Services
WNSS offers secure cloud storage on its private medium-scale HPC (High-Performance Cluster) computer and secure web server. Server data and its applications are accessed only by the user from an encrypted port and this way the application and its data are safe from other unwanted users. We offer web application hosting, interactive web dashboards, and charts, interactive and parallel computing resources that have up to 88 virtual CPU cores and 2432 GPU cores available for customer use as scheduled. Our computing infrastructure allows our clients to leverage higher-performance machine learning and AI tools. Our current computing infrastructure offers up to 125 Gig of memory plus a 1TB SSD swap space, enabling data vectors upwards of 1TB to be computed in memory. Interactive web applications can access all computing resources as scheduled.

Data Management, Database Development, and High Efficient Data Storage

We can help you manage your data through database design and management. Our database applications typically use SQL and SQLite and can be integrated directly into our web applications so your data can be retrieved safely through the web or your local intranet. We have the ability to very efficiently store data using serialized files or using Low Ranked Models. Conventual data management tools such as spreadsheets are a very inefficient ways of storing data and actually very little space occupied by a spreadsheet is strictly for the data. We can take a lot of information and put it in a very small package. This saves storage space and is retrievable much faster than more conventional data storage tools.